Saturday, February 02, 2013

Remembering Ol' '55

Too often really good songs seem to get lost inside the passage of time and the constant parade of new music. I'd like to feature one of those tracks, a song that was written and originally recorded by Tom Waits. It's called Ol' '55 and it got radio play when the Eagles included it on their On The Border album.

Waits wasn't particularly fond of the Eagles interpretation of his song, terming it "a little antiseptic." Well, antiseptic or not, I liked the Eagles version when I heard it in 1974 and I like it now. For the most part it's gone from the radio, but now and again my memory plays it loud and clear.

1974 - Ol' '55 by the Eagles

And if you prefer the grittier, non-antiseptic Tom Waits style, check out songwriter Wait's version.

1973 - Ol' '55 by Tom Waits

That's another LookBack from Rock Steady. See ya next time.

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